I got to say if I were to list the top three materialistic things I want in life the Canon 1Ds Mark 111 would easily fall into that list. So when my tax guy told me I need to spend a lot of money on equipment in 2008 I didnt waste any time to buy it. It is just a SUPERB camera. So now I own the following canon cameras: 1ds Mark 111, 1dMark 11n, 5D and cant forget about my 20D. There are a few really obvious nice things about the 1ds
+ ISO is EASILY accessible. Thank you! It requires two buttons to get to it on my 1dM2n.
+ View Screen is a lot bigger.
+ Battery is a lot lighter than the 1d M2n
+ 22 Major Mega pixels.
+ Full Frame
And much much more. Will write more about this when I have more time.
I have been lugging this around town just taking pics. Here are some pics of my baby girl and my sister.

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