Friday, November 21, 2008

Kicking it up a notch with being accepted into the [AG]WPJA!

I am quite excited to find out that I have been accepted into the [AG]WPJA. WooHoo! I get my name to be listed with the best of the best in wedding photography!

AGWPJA's website

Here is a copy and paste off their website that goes into more detail on who they are:

The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association [AG]WPJA is comprised of outstanding wedding photographers, who are at the forefront of the wedding photography industry when it comes to enhancing images. The chief objective of the [AG]WPJA is to provide members with a platform where the finest enhanced, manipulated and/or artistic wedding photojournalism in the world is spotlighted and promoted for the bride and groom.

The [AG]WPJA is a separate division of the Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA). Whereas the WPJA upholds strict guidelines that forbid excessive picture manipulation, the [AG]WPJA encourages and fosters creative image enhancement, with the vision of promoting Fine Art Wedding Photojournalists.

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